Search Results
Session-based Recommendations | Lecture 80 (Part 5) | Applied Deep Learning (Supplementary)
Session-based Recommendations (Cont.) | Lecture 81 (Part 1) | Applied Deep Learning (Supplementary)
What are Session-Based Recommenders?
Dual-Channel Graph Contextual Self-Attention Network for Session-based Recommendation
Session Based Recommendation with GNN
Conjugate Gradient Method | Lecture 80 (Part 1) | Applied Deep Learning
Paper Review of Streaming Session-Based Recommendation
Deep Learning for Recommender Systems (Nick Pentreath)
Recurrent Neural Networks for Recommendations and Personalization with Nick Pentreath (IBM)
Streaming Session-based Recommendation
One Shot Learning | Lecture 72 (Part 1) | Applied Deep Learning (Supplementary)
End-to-End Session-Based Recommendation on GPU